20 different coffees are produced on Korta farms. In addition to products whose names come from the variety itself already famous for its quality in the cup, others are naming from Brazilian precious stones, as a tribute to the country.


The Korta farms have infrastructure for the preparation of natural coffees, pulped natural, demucilaged, fully washed, blends, nano and micro-lotss and even coffees with flavor profiles customized to meet customer needs.


The Passionate Pursuit for Coffee Excellence


The company seeks to offer the best possible quality in the finished product, producing different coffees, with a consistent delivery of the product.


Different varieties, six farms, several microclimates, different altitudes and topographies enables the production not only of a single type of coffee, but several with unique features in terms of flavor, sweetness, acidity, flavor and body balance. So Korta created 20 different products (coffees, ready to be roasted).


A society increasingly globalized demands traceability of products, ensuring food safety and compliance with international standards. Such detailed information allows total control of the business management, resulting in a higher quality final product.


Korta takes this very seriously and it maintains full traceability of their coffees. Their lots are 100% traceable: in the farms is possible to know when and where the seedlings were planted, the age of the coffee trees, where each bean of coffee came, how it was produced in each plot, and how many people worked there, what products were used and what coffees created a certain blend.

Copyright © 2016 Korta Coffee